Monday, March 23, 2009


Here we go again. I sit all day in Houston waiting to get a load and what do I get. I load from Houston to Dallas. I just can't seem to get out of this Hell hole. I have spent the biggest part of the last three weeks in Texas. Houston, Waco, Dallas, Waxahachie back to Houston and now back to Dallas. Are there any other states in this country or have they all fallen off the map.  Could this be the Twilight Zone. OMG. Someone please wake me up from this terrible nightmare. If they keep me here much longer, I will have to start paying taxes here even though they don't have a state tax. They will create one just for me. What have I done to deserve this. To believe that people actually like living here. I can't see any reason why. Give me Pocatello, Idaho. Anything but this. 
      I guess that is enough of that. I got it off my chest. Will see what tomorrow brings. I hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was spent in (guess where) TEXAS.  AAAAHHHHHH. I must go to bed now so I can have a few more nightmares. Have a great evening and I will talk to everyone another time. Sianara.

1 comment:

  1. HAHA- Everything's bigger in Texas. Even the wait time.

    Love ya
