Wednesday, August 8, 2012


One of my favorite memories was that all our cousins from the Daly side of the family would go to Missouri at the same time as Grandma Daly had a huge 2 story house built in the early 1800's. It was originally the house of a plantation owner with servant quarters upstairs. The upstairs also had a kitchen, bathroom and 2 huge bedrooms. Every room in the house was big. Seeing Grandma took care of so many children, she had beds in every room but the kitchen and bathrooms. Even her closed in front porch that 3 single beds against the wall. Nobody had to get a hotel. We all gathered in grandma's house. I loved sleeping out on the front porch with Kenny and David. I remember all the great meals and deserts that were prepared in that big kitchen. There was a grade school next door and us kids would go play on the playground while the adults would sit in the kitchen or on the back patio drinking coffee in the morning and switching to beer around noon. Roberta will remember the little corner drug store where grandma would give us a quarter each and we would walk down to the drug store and each get a bag of candy. Can't believe our teeth didn't rot out of our heads. Oh, the memories of going to Uncle Nolan's and Aunt betty's farm. The 5 acre lake and also the strip pits (water so clear and so deep you could never find the bottom). Us kids would go and play in the barn. So much to climb on and up to the hay loft. They always had feather beds and pillows. My cousin Chuck and I would sleep in this feather bed and you would sink so far in it you had to raise your head to see the other. And one last memory for my sis to remember, but how about walking up to business loop 70 to the Ice Cream store. It was like Dairy Queen but don't think that was the name. Now that I think of it, it might have been tastee freeze. They had the best shakes and malts I can ever remember. I loved the Chocolate malts. Very hard to find these days. Well that is enough for today. Looking back makes me happy and sad at the same time. The people I miss that are no longer here, just the youth in general but it is good that I only really remember the good times in my life. I know there were bad times but I believe our minds are designed to purposely block those memories so that we can carry on with life. Looking back is great but I have to remember how blessed I am with my life as an adult. Now it is living my life through my kids and grandkids. Life is good.


  1. I remember all of those memories and I also remember the smell of fresh bread from the bakery on the corner of Range Line every morning. When we arrived at Grandma Daly's it was always in the wee hours of the morning and the bakery was in the process of baking the morning bread and the smell of fresh bread was one of the first smells I can remember. It always signaled to me that we were almost there. Before grandma had the front porch enclosed she used to have a swing on the porch and I can remember swinging on the porch with the cousins in the evening and catching lighting bugs after dark and making rings with their backsides. There were so many good times at grandma's house as a kid and I agree that it is nice to look back on the fun times and leave the bad memories in the background. As kids I think we were truly blessed with wonderful lives and even more wonderful parents. As an adult I feel I am truly blessed now. I have everything I could want; my health, a husband that loves me, my family, food to eat, a roof over my head and clothes to wear. What more do I need? Yes, life is good!!

    1. Wow, I had forgot about the bread, swing and lighting bugs but I do remember now that you refreshed my memory. That is what is good about sharing memories. We all have different things to add to the mix. Yes, when we look back, we can really realize how blessed we were. Our parents were so smart. I wish I had them now to pick their brains for all their wisdom. There is so much more to smart then book smarts. I believe real life experiences are among the most important learning experiences we have and need. If we learn something from every experience, we are much wiser in the end. Thanks Sis for bringing back those memories. I love our trips down memory lane.
