Saturday, July 14, 2012


I am sitting here at work with no Internet connection and all bummed out. I am thinking to myself, what will I do with it being as slow as it always is on the weekend. All of a sudden my brain started one of its rare moments of working and I realized,(I have a smartphone so I do have Internet. YEA. I getting so addicted to this family blog. I love my computer and spend all the time I can on it. During the Course of our daily lives, we get so busy and at the end of the day, it is to late to call family. This family blog makes me feel so close to everyone. We are communicating much more and almost on a daily basis. I totally agree with Pam, that family is family regardless of location, distance or lifestyles. I love you all. So with my smart phone by my side, I will always be able to reach out and touch someone. I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful Saturday.


  1. I have very much enjoyed my lazy Saturday. It was one of Bill's "do nothing" days so I also decided to do nothing. I have laid around and watched TV all day.

    I agree with you that it is nice to keep in touch with family. I just wish that more of the family would join in. There is so much more of the family that could participate than is and it is a shame that they don't join in. I would love to know how Harold's children are doing and his grandkids are doing. Also, it would be nice if my own children would join in and write about their lives, their children and grandchildren. Maybe even more cousins, my sister, nieces, nephews, etc. I guess I am just dreaming. I should be happy with what we have. Anyway. have a good day to all of you and I love each and every one of my family.

  2. Well Sis, the only way we will get more family to participate is to get them to read our posts. If they can read what we all are saying, they may like to get involved. I haven't talked to Lois yet but did send her an invitation. Also, I am having problems figuring this out. The only blogs I see are yours, Susan's and mine. I see Pam's pictures and comments but don't know if she has a blog or not. We will get this figured out hopefullly before I die. lol
