Sunday, March 8, 2009


It has been a very uneventful day traveling from Tonkawa, Ok. to Waco, Tx. Pretty boring actually, but I am feeling great for some unknown reason. I am in a very happy mood. I guess it is because it has been a beautiful day near 80 degrees and maybe spring is in the air. I love the changing of the seasons. Green in the spring and summer and the changing of the colors in the fall. We could skip winter. That would be fine with me. I am starting to get more people commenting on my insignificant thoughts. It is kind of nice having people read your thoughts and making comments about them. It is hard to write your thoughts when you do the same thing everyday. From the time I get up in the morning until I lay my head down to rest, always the same things just a different day. It is kind of like the movie ground hog day. How come I keep getting older. I guess there are some things you just can't slow down. I hope everyone has a wonderful and peaceful evening. Until tomorrow.


  1. When people ask "How are you?" We have automated our responses to be incredibly generic. "Good. And you?" And the response to that might be "I'm doing pretty good." BLAH BLAH BLAH. Why don't people actually say how they feel? Because most people don't take the time to care. Sometimes we will ask someone how their day is and when they start to explain that it's crappy and why, we get irritated and bored. WHAT IS WRONG WITH US??

    The truth is, we all wake up everyday feeling a bit different. And with events that happen throughout a day (unless you live in a bubble inside of a bubble) your mood might change constantly. You'll have your ups and your downs. Some more than others.

    What I am trying to get at is that your life is more than groundhog day and you writing your seemingly insignificant thoughts gives us, your family, a chance to get more than the generic answer from you. This blog gives you the opportunity to respond with more than "I'm good" to whoever REALLY cares.

    I care.

    Love you Dad. And thanks for wishing good days/evenings upon your readers at the end of your blog. It's a nice gesture.

  2. Thank you for the kind remarks sweetie. I love you guys so much and enjoy your blog and comments. You have the ability to always make me feel good. You are good for my soul and ego.
