Wednesday, December 30, 2009


December 29th 2009, a day that will have a lasting affect on mine and my families lives. After nearly 11 years of having type II diabetes, my cheating the system finally caught up to me. I find myself temporarily out of work because of my bad habits. Now I find myself wondering what I will do to support my family for the next few months while I get things back in order. What a fool I was to believe that everything would work itself out by itself. Now my family has to pay the price for my ignorance. I apologize to my loved ones for my stupidity. I know that doesn't pay the bills, but at least you know I recognize my mistakes (as late as it may be). I will defeat this and become a better man, husband and father because of this.
My early New Years resolution is to lose 80 pounds and get down to 170 lbs and maintain that for the rest of my life, enabling me to get off all my diabetic medications for good and live a normal life by starting a new way of life effective today. A life of proper eating combined with exercise such as long walks with the dogs. I can and will do this for my wife my children my grandchildren but most importantly ME. GOD willing, I will be here to watch my Grandchildren graduate.
So in closing, this turn in my life may end up being the best thing that has ever happened to me. As we have been taught. GOD WORKS IN MYSTERIOUS WAYS, and things happen for a reason. I wish the best of New Years to all Mankind.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I am sitting here at home thinking about Christmas and how it will be with none of my children or grandchildren here. I could sit here feeling sorry for myself but instead I like to think about all I have to be thankful for. I was thinking back when I was a child and how I didn't have a care in the world. My Mom and Dad did all the worrying. I now know how they felt when all there children left home. I miss my parents and hope they know that I think of them always and especially on holidays as they bring back such fantastic memories.
We will be having Christmas Dinner with friends as we have done in the past. Rick and Barbara are like family and we love spending time with them. So as you can see, Debbie and I will not be alone on christmas. My Christmas present will be having the opportunity to talk to my kids and grandkids. Skype and ooVoo are the next best thing to being there.
I want to take this time to wish all mankind a very Merry Christmas and A happy New Year. To hell with the morons who want to change our lives as we know them. They will never succeed as long as we hold strong to our values and beliefs. God Bless us all and to all a good night.